Spiritual Adoption – Welcome

Spiritual Adoption

Welcome to Holy Heroes’ Spiritual Adoption Prayer Adventure!

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Thank you for committing to adopt an unborn baby by praying for him or her every day for the next nine months!

Every two weeks, you’ll receive a new activity page with videos, printable activity sheets and other surprises. You can start right now by scrolling down to today’s activities.

You can also pray for the parents of your baby right now, as well as when the Prayer Adventure begins, that they receive the support they need, and also that and cherish their baby.

Take our fun-filled development quiz, to see how much you know, and some of what you’ll learn in the next 9 months!


You can download and print Fulton Sheen’s spiritual adoption prayer here, which you should pray every day. The download also includes an extra prayer from Pope Saint John Paul II!

If you want, you can also buy “Family 5-packs” of prayer cards with Fulton Sheen’s prayer on them! You can get them so everyone in your family can carry one around, or give them away to others and encourage them to spiritually adopt a baby as well!


This Spiritual Adoption Prayer Adventure will begin on the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. St. Joseph was the foster father of Jesus. God gave him the special job of caring for Jesus and His mother, Mary, while on earth. St. Joseph followed God’s Will and worked to protect, love, and care for Jesus and Mary – before Jesus was even born (Matthew 1: 18-25), and then while He grew up (Matthew 2:13, 19-23, Luke 2: 43-52). St. Joseph, pray for us!

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